
Renowned for its innovative and sustainable designs, Petit Pli was founded in 2017 by Ryan Mario Yasin. Yasin was inspired to develop the “Clothes That Grow” concept after realizing that the clothes he gifted to his newborn nephew were already too small by the time they arrived. This insight sparked the creation of garments that grow as children do.


Petit Pli’s innovative solution is both economically savvy and environmentally responsible. Utilizing a unique, pleated fabric technology, Petit Pli’s clothes grow up to seven sizes, accommodating a child’s growth. This pioneering feature not only cuts down the cost of children’s clothing but also helps reduce the fashion industry’s carbon footprint.


At the core of Petit Pli’s mission lies a commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly clothing for children. Each year, millions of tons of textiles go to waste due to ever-changing fashion trends and children quickly outgrowing their clothes. By employing recyclable and eco-conscious materials, Petit Pli aims to counteract this waste with durable, long-lasting garments.


Freedom of movement is a key focus of Petit Pli’s design philosophy. These growing clothes not only provide flexibility but are also lightweight, waterproof, windproof, and breathable. With a minimalist aesthetic that radiates elegance, the collection is designed with comfort and mobility at its heart.


Over time, Petit Pli has evolved its offerings to include functional and stylish designs for adults as well, applying the same “growing clothes” principles to cater to the dynamic needs of changing bodies and lifestyles. These revolutionary garments are not only practical and economical but also embody a forward-thinking approach to sustainable fashion, serving both children and adults with an eco-conscious vision for the future.