Gourmet Food for Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs must have a natural diet in line with their needs so that they can live a healthy and happy life. In today’s world, reaching the right sources of a healthy diet for both ourselves and our pet friends is getting more and more difficult. Since they are more accessible, most cat or dog owners may prefer dry or canned food with lots of options available on market shelves. However, the additives and chemical preservatives used in such ready-to-eat pet food to maintain a longer shelf life can adversely affect the health of our pet friends. At this point, the PetChef project of Rafet İnce, an experienced chef who conducts research on cat and dog nutrition, comes into play. The chef, who has been researching this subject for many years, suggests that the processed protein sources in ready-to-eat pet food can chronically strain the kidneys and liver. In order to provide a healthier and longer life quality for cats and dogs, chef Rafet İnce has been preparing healthy and natural food under the brand name of PetChef for the last 7 years in addition to cooking delicious meals for people in his 25-year professional life. Currently, he uses his gastronomic skills for cats and dogs to ensure that they have a healthy diet away from dry food.
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Being the world’s first cookbook, written by a chef on the nourishment of cats and dogs, the “PetChef Cook Book” invites you to prepare delicious food for your pet friends. Written with the simple and clear narration of the Chef Rafet İnce, this book offers many practical and healthy recipes. With these special recipes for your cats and dogs, you can become the chef of your kitchen and offer them uniquely delicious and balanced meals.
The “PetChef Cook Book” can help you meet the nutritional needs of your cats and dogs in the best way possible by combining the nutrients they need with different tastes. The cookbook offers a total of 60 different recipes including beef and vegetable broth, natural (cooked) food, raw food, fruit, and vegetable chips, treat cookies, and ice cream. Additionally, the book contains veterinarian notes regarding the diet of your cats or dogs, meal suggestions, and information about the nutritional values (energy, carbs, protein, fat, fiber) of each recipe.
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For those who cannot cook or do not have time for it, PetChef brings healthy food and snacks prepared in line with the needs of cats and dogs. These meals come in pre-measured portions and are delivered in frozen vacuum packs right to your doorstep. With 60 different product options, the PetChef brand offers daily food, including Raw and Natural (Cooked) suitable for any preference and breed. The food is free from any preservatives and flavorings and is freeze-packed using the IQF system immediately after processing, ensuring freshness is retained.
PetChef not only meets the daily nutritional needs of cats and dogs but also bakes cakes for them on special occasions. These cakes are prepared by using the gastronomic Sous vide method as well as different baking-cooling methods in a way that people can eat them together with their cats and dogs. The ingredients used in the cakes are free from unhealthy substances such as whipped cream, food coloring, flavorings, preservatives, hormones, whey, labneh (mild cream cheese), flour, and fondant. Designed to celebrate special occasions with your pet friends, these cakes can be a great option to make your cat’s or dog’s special day memorable.
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The food offered by PetChef not only supports the physical health of your pet friends but also strengthens the bond between you by making them happy. With a wide range of products using natural methods and gastronomic techniques, PetChef invites your pet friends on a delicious journey that improves their quality of life.
For more information about PetChef, click here.