Documentaries on Sustainable Living

Faced with the reality of our world’s limited resources and the escalating demands of humanity—more energy, more food, more water—it becomes evident how crucial it is to manage resources responsibly and sustainably. Consider water, the essence of life: 97% of all water in the world is saltwater, 2% is locked in glaciers, and only the remaining 1% is potable and usable. Overuse or pollution of this limited supply can lead to water crises. Similarly, unregulated modern agriculture, when compared to traditional farming methods, poses threats to soil fertility, and depletes water resources.
Rather than succumbing to pessimism about the future, adopting a sustainable life philosophy offers a way to raise awareness and catalyze change. “Sustainability” provides a blueprint for reducing waste, maintaining natural equilibrium, utilizing limited resources more efficiently, and bequeathing them to future generations. Documentaries exploring the relationship between nature and humans, environmental pollution, the climate crisis, and the significance of sustainable living can serve as catalysts for reflection and action. We have compiled a list of documentaries shedding light on the impacts of human activity on the planet and outlining the necessary steps for a sustainable future.
A Plastic Ocean
Director: Craig Leeson
Duration: 102 min.
The documentary “A Plastic Ocean,” made by journalist Craig Leeson, sheds light on the detrimental impact of the growing volume of plastic waste in oceans on the world and its inhabitants. During a blue whale expedition, Leeson observed plastic debris in an area near Sri Lanka, prompting him to embark on the creation of this documentary. Over four years and visits to more than twenty regions, Leeson unveils the alarming scope of plastic consumption through this compelling documentary.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Director: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn
Duration: 90 min.
“Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” is a documentary film from 2014 that delves into the environmental consequences of animal husbandry and scrutinizes the stances of environmental organizations on this issue. Directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the film addresses diverse environmental issues like global warming, water consumption, deforestation, and ocean dead zones. It exposes the profoundly damaging environmental effects of extensive factory farming on our planet and presents a roadmap toward global sustainability for a growing population.
Eko Eko Eko
Director: İlkay Nişancı
Duration: 1 Season, 6 Episodes
Directed by İlkay Nişancı, the documentary “Eko Eko Eko” explores how contemporary urbanites respond to the ecological crisis our planet is facing. In the documentary, Ceren Moray portrays two contrasting characters who seek answers to the ecological dilemmas that affect our daily lives. Twenty-six academics, experts in various fields, analyze whether the current economic order is ecologically sustainable. The documentary initiates its exploration with the question “What challenges are we confronting?” and progresses through different but interconnected topics in each episode.
Kiss the Ground
Director: Rebecca Harrell Tickell, Josh Tickell
Duration: 1 hr. 24 min.
In the documentary “Kiss the Ground,” narrated by actor and environmental activist Woody Harrelson, scientific experts and renowned activists reveal the crucial role of Earth’s soil in addressing the climate crisis and safeguarding the planet. The film illustrates how the regeneration of the Earth’s soils can rapidly and comprehensively stabilize the climate, rejuvenate lost ecosystems, and ensure an abundant food supply. Utilizing stunning graphics, visuals, and footage from NASA and NOAA, the documentary emphasizes that soil, serving as a carbon reducer, is the missing piece in the climate puzzle.
The Minimalists: Less Is Now
Director: Matt D’Avella
Duration: 53 min.
Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, advocates of a minimalist lifestyle, demonstrate how to live a better life with fewer possessions in “The Minimalists: Less Is Now,” directed by Matt D’Avella. The documentary underscores that minimalism serves as a solution to combat consumerism and reduce waste. The documentary features interviews with radio host Dave Ramsey, Executive Director of Greenpeace USA Annie Leonard, pastor and futurist Erwin McManus, and many others.
The True Cost
Director: Andrew Morgan
Duration: 1 hr. 32 min.
Andrew Morgan’s 2015 documentary, “The True Cost,” unveils the truth behind “fast fashion,” exposing the consumer frenzy within the fashion industry, labor exploitation, and more. The documentary explores the environmental consequences of the fashion industry, specifically its aspects that do not align with sustainable fashion practices. It also examines the production of cotton, the primary material in clothing, shining a light on chemical-laden fields and the monopolization of seeds, resulting in farmers becoming dependent. Shot in various countries worldwide, the documentary features interviews with prominent figures, including Stella McCartney, Livia Firth, and Vandana Shiva.