“2001: A Space Odyssey”

2001: A Space Odyssey commences with the discovery of a “metal monolith” by early humans, marking the beginning of technological development as primitive tools are set aside. As human evolution progresses, so do the tools employed by humanity. In the space age, characterized as the pinnacle of human advancement, astronauts walking on the moon encounter the same “metal monolith”.
Metal has been a fundamental material propelling humanity forward. Its processing has led to the development of civilizations and the advancement of technologies. A substance initially extracted from beneath the earth now propels humanity into space. This material, serving as a common denominator for both the most primitive and the most advanced societies, has become a focal point for humanity.
With its amorphous structure, metal has taken on various forms through processing, and through Hitit Seramik, “Metall” now manifests in a ceramic form.